I create...
I use nature and its rhythms as subject matter to inspire unique individual expression, challenge concepts of separation and disconnection from self and others, and remind us that we are all connected to things bigger than ourselves that support us, even if our eyes can't see it - be it family, our values, our interests, sense of place, a cause or a mission, or even a new way of thinking.
Greeting Cards Powerful little $6 bundles of joy that make you laugh, or give you freedom to connect with intent and help deliver your message in a way that celebrates the things you love and they love in your own way. To connect and feel grounded - feel seen and feel energized in the exchange! Custom Illustrations & Storybooks
See YOUR unique story as a snapshot in time. For you, your children, family or friends. Document important memories. Share personal values and connection to something greater with the right words and images to keep the moments alive, and to share what's important to you. I create reminders of what makes you happy, excited, joyful and connected. |